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Data Projects

This project used data from the Screen Time app in an iPhone to collect data on the number of hours

per week a teenager is on their phone, and gather insights related to their most used applications, frequency of pickups, etc.


  •  Published to: Medium

  • Skill focus: Data collection, data cleaning & preparation, exploratory data analysis, data visualization with Flourish and Google Data Studio, and data storytelling.

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Analysis of Mass Shooting Events in the United States

Created a dataset to analyze the occurence of mass shooting events in the United States from 2014 - 2022. 

  • Skill Focus:  Curation of a data set, data cleaning and preparation, geospatial data, data visualization with Python, and dashboard creation using Streamlit.

Process and analyze the data for insights that could be used to help support the players of a professional sports team.

  • Skill focus: Data analysis, data cleaning, application of descriptive statistics, application of machine learning algorithms (utilized Logistic Regression and Decision Tree), data visualization, generation of a data report.

Process and analyze a dataset for insights that could help the company make decisions related to marketing, ad spend, and identifying their ideal customer.

  • Skill focus: Data analysis, data cleaning, application of descriptive statistics, data visualization, and generation of a data report using Excel.

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Process and analyze a dataset  consisting of real data consolidated from mulitpe reports from the Massachusetts Department of Education Website for the year 2017.  Generate a report of insights on where resources may be best utilized. 

  • Skill focus: Data analysis, data visualization, and creation of a dashboard using Tableau.

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This mini-project was one of the first assignments in the Introduction to Neural Networks course, which was part of my master's degree curriculum.  The instructions for the assignment were to take an image with one or more people in it and build a facial recognition program that would draw red bounding boxes around the faces it identified.

  • Skill focus: Python, OpenCV, Pillow, Face Recognition Library

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Process and analyze healthcare data to answer key questions and provide insights to the C-Suite of a hospital system.  


Skill focus: Utilize more advanced queries using MySQL.


Analyze a dataset consisting of team and player data from the 2021-2022 NBA Season.  


Skill focus: Data visualization using Tableau

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Analyzed a dataset from the processing of iron ore to find insights and investigate the presence of any abnormal event that may have occurred on a specific day.


Skill focus: Data analysis and data visualization using Python


My first project using the R programming language.   I performed data analysis of an HR dataset from IBM to investigate employee layoffs. 

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Process and analyze a dataset  consisting of real data consolidated from mulitpe reports from the Massachusetts Department of Education Website for the year 2017.  Generate a report of insights on where resources may be best utilized. 

  • Skill focus: Database query and  analysis using SQL

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